Wednesday, November 1, 2006

Does Dark Red Violet Brown Hair Color Look Purple

Mustafa: The Story of a "false guides"

Story of a "false guides"

Mustafa honey-colored skin and hair reflect the sun, he speaks three or four languages, including some Japanese, Faculty handy when sagit fill of delight in evil Japanese thrills. Mustafa
tackles anything that moves and even those who do not move, sometimes running sometimes posted at the post office located in neighborhoods of upscale hotels.
It is difficult to know what really motivates him when after the series of standard questions, it takes you into his bachelor windowless talk in Arabic with his friends. All he wants is that apparently you're happy! and as you do do not really look, Mustafa tells you a lot of stuff in English to see what it leads to someone who is not really happy.

When wanting to leave this company, charming it is true, and we have indicate that we were looking hotel, Mustafa does not understand that we can be happy without him and without his constant waffling franglohispanique. Even less happy that his friend Abdu sees us dodge his advances the guide for the next day.

The next day as a through space-time our heureuxMustafa who says he is always happy to reappear on the ear. We accept it with us because he says it's better like that, he knows a lot. The rapid and incomprehensible ennumération dynasties of nobles of the imperial city breaks Defesa somewhat quiet headland overlooking the pleasant and nousle please stop for a moment. Then
by accumulation, come momentOr Mustafa understands that we're not happy, there is surely more plump bottom destours deserve better and that we leave. We would have liked to establish stronger Leins with this lavish deslangues but his eagerness to see us happy has resulted in nousplus gene and perplexity than pleasure.

Leaving Fez in the afternoon and landed in Meknes, is that we approach Ilham, charming young woman who was pleading with us to invite forthe couscous convoité.Voilà family as a little story that you may have made happy be nousn'avons nothing against false prophets, and finally everyone has fun.

We left Morocco and after three days and three nights here we are denaviguation Graciosa piece of volcanic land descanaries. Zao we meet up and raped her four small marinscourageux with whom we spend good laughs.

trapped by the weather we will stay until Friday (November 3) for the pairing capvert.


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