Monday, January 22, 2007

Polaroid For Beginners

>> Sao Luis>> Tatajuba

The Brazil, promised land , huge to rivers infinite. mass of water of mud and sand of . Mass of people , shapes and of mixed colors and renewed one billion miles of times. Drawing rippling along the of corp of anaconda, which shape balance as the backbone the jaguar any the bottom of ' Amazon.
Point concentration of , multiplication of cataract quarreling with Manaus the most high primary forest the world Belem. Located any the north the mouths of River, Belem is a city moist, to lined streets of huge mango , to scents acids exotic wood . The of interbreeding populations to product an extraordinary diversity with a predominance traits of indigenous on the faces and the of long hair .

DNA replicated , stirred and polymerized to express in a splendor Women upsetting. In this moist heat , the travelers of morons leave fascinate by their beauty which is a value National . They come inextricably in the Thurs of seduction thanks to skilled laborers of creatures local guidéespar their slow desires .
I resist well to temptation and spend of good time of fun with Fernando and Carlos at hotel Amazonas.

A not of giant and some 700 km of bus deposited me has Sao Luis . Great town stifled in the heat tropical old capital of sugar, Sao Luis has a former center picturesque and lively . Located in a vast lagoon silt that covers at high tide and appears as a great field of mud when the Wed suddenly disappears . I would meet the Edgar talented photographer who me offers his studio for a performance of body painting who does will never place (the girls are really recalcitrant hihihi).
Following this round of ride Enchanted , I'm do a pose near nature of Wed, and a new not astronomical me sends to Camocim . Travel in bus accompanied of a French which starts a whole top speed towards the tourist beach of Jericoacoara. The leaving spinning, I a brand time in leaving my business in a pousada fishermen. Two hours more later the meeting with a driver of Buggie ( only means of transportation in this ocean of sand ) has led me Tatajuba .
Liborio let me his house to penalty but finite welcoming in which I spend two days meditative has browse the lagoon and play with the wind . Attracted by the boats to sail of sinners I succeed me has a hoisted aboard the middle of the pass has and browse with them on the River. The place is sumptuous , contrasts saisisant , dunes bordering crystal clear this continent infinite , nights black. Liborio is the only native has have a house on the front of Wed and it is in very proud , I'm here in his home or the breath mineral passes through the of walls. It attandra that the neighbor is branch for enjoy the electricity but it yal ' water Current . I do know more that this ' is the ecotourism in any case I'm few economies in remaining far from any , on this no-mans - land where speculate few gringos without really believe there . Venus here by more than whim interest, they surely leave some box abandoned to items on this unlikely place to life.

I finally rejoin Recife and my buddy Dove q ui works in the north , it there will be a in weeks this leaves me the time to discover of Olinda and search a boat for continue the adventure that is become a little too land.



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