Thursday, December 16, 2010

Where Can I Order Katydids

Quel avenir pour le lobbying en France ?

is essentially the question posed at a recent symposium organized by Science Po together students and professionals at which were presented the results of a study by occupational group Public Affairs Association of Science-Po in 120 large firms (results discussed here.)

In light of the testimony given, three lines of thought were particularly drawn:

1. To my amazement, a debate continues about the very definition of this activity. A professional counselor has defined the purpose and function: "to promote the word of the company vis-à-vis the parties involved, non-media" is not only policy makers but also other public company. In this regard, it is closer to a definition of public relations at large.
Another speaker showed his disagreement with this definition, focusing the lobbying activity vis-à-vis policy makers, professional design approved by recalling the origin of the term "lobby, hallway ...

2. Professionals seem to suffer from the (bad) reputation of their business, noting in particular the sheer lack of service called "lobbying" within companies, to benefit the meaning "public affairs". The idea received the Thank you for smoking die hard in a country where business remains relatively unknown. The French Association of Councils in Lobbying and Public Affairs issued a charter of ethics governing the practice.

3. About the future of the public, beyond the desired evolution of the image of the profession (see above), lobbying should, it seems, be framed in a business process. According to the study presented, the professionals engaged in lobbying activities within large companies are varied, the profiles legal, political and communication are the most represented behind the managerial functions "internal".
Note also the appearance (more or less recent) of alterlobbyistes or professional lobbying on behalf of NGOs and therefore the emergence of new interests represented in the corridors ...
track in my opinion more interesting and emerging access to lobbying by SOHO-SME to a process of lobbying that requires resources and time they did not and from that time remain essentially represented by unions Professional ...

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Gol Desert Eagle Airsoft Gun For Sale

Elections to the Board of the Department of Italian and Romanian

The Department of Italian organized an information meeting on Tuesday, January 25 at 17.15 in A208
for all students wishing to do an Erasmus mobility.

Home Team

Clean Nike Air Max Shoes In Washing Machine

Briefing Seminar ERASMUS mobility

Llac (Language, Literature, Arts and Cultures of the South)
Axis "Literature and Arts Seminar transverse

The boundary in-visible: writing and permeabilities

Alba Lara-Alengrin
The issue of 'transterritorialité'

Karim Benmiloud The case of Roberto Bolaño:

the Latin American writer writing nomadic
Monday, December 13, 2010 17h-19h, C 020 (Room symposia) Université Paul Valéry-Montpellier III

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

And Braces Cause Tmj?

cross the border in 2010-2011 -visible: writing and permeabilities

On November 30 2010 Christelle Balderas Laignelet defended his doctoral thesis on poet Sandro Penna.
A great day, the culmination of many years of research on poetry and especially
a great party with the family of Chris and the crowds!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Can You Trade Pokemon On Gpsphone

PhD thesis

November 29 2010 Hana Majri defended his doctoral thesis on Pirandello in the presence of the jury (Angela Biancofiore, Myriam Carminati, thesis director, Silvia Contarini, Pearl Abbrugiati).

lot of emotion, a warm audience and a great party at the Library of Italian!

Bottomless Around The House

PhD thesis

ELECTIONS DEPARTMENT OF ITALIAN AND ROMANIAN COLLEGE STUDENTS Thursday, December 9, 2010 from 9:00 to 17:30 in Building G - G 210

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Vip222k And External Hard Drive

Veille : Et si on se remettait dans la peau de l'internaute ?

So we're talking (too often) e-reputation and management of the digital image, there is logically the multiplication of solutions to analyze the web and make a ensure comprehensive topics related to the interests of a company, brand or social phenomena.

If automated monitoring tools are needed to detect weak signals, the emergence of concerns or opinions that may be isolated and amplified again, he should not yield to the fascination and collecting all About azimuths buried in the intricacies of the canvas on which the average user will never fall.

Therefore, while the collection devices multiply and standby time, they evolve in intelligence, it seems important, in a sense, for example, Study the image of a business on the web, to refocus on the path of the Web. How last works there? It is not a revelation, it works as simply the world, or at least everyone: he uses Google and makes no attention in the early results.

is also an operation which has evolved into a more exclusive attention. Many experts, including Google, consider the "eye-tracking, how the eye will scan a page. Miratech, a company specializing in the study of the behavior of Internet users in April 2009 published the results of a study which revealed that the second sponsored link (the sponsored links appearing at the top of the results page), was more watched than the first. What we already know is that the first result (non-sponsored link this time) remains the most watched ... and almost the only one.

The image above, taken from the blog screens, is eloquent in this respect. We note that in 3 years, between 2005 and 2008, the behavior of the Internet has greatly simplified. Hence the challenge of being listed in first position. One can also consider not appear front page amounts to a virtual absence ...

Nothing too revolutionary therefore, or misunderstood, but a finding that confirms the belief that it is appropriate in a process of evaluating what the user will find a company or brand, to simply put in his place . Or human intervention, time-consuming, but irreplaceable.
This has been confirmed recently by a responsible saver during a conference dedicated to the public: although with ad hoc tools, she felt much more sense to simply deliver a petition to google rather than to digest a wealth of information collected by different robots ...

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

After I Shower I Get More Pimples


Heden, Italian pop-rock band on tour throughout France, will perform on Wednesday 1 September at 21:30 in Rust. Free admission, come many!