Thursday, December 16, 2010

Where Can I Order Katydids

Quel avenir pour le lobbying en France ?

is essentially the question posed at a recent symposium organized by Science Po together students and professionals at which were presented the results of a study by occupational group Public Affairs Association of Science-Po in 120 large firms (results discussed here.)

In light of the testimony given, three lines of thought were particularly drawn:

1. To my amazement, a debate continues about the very definition of this activity. A professional counselor has defined the purpose and function: "to promote the word of the company vis-à-vis the parties involved, non-media" is not only policy makers but also other public company. In this regard, it is closer to a definition of public relations at large.
Another speaker showed his disagreement with this definition, focusing the lobbying activity vis-à-vis policy makers, professional design approved by recalling the origin of the term "lobby, hallway ...

2. Professionals seem to suffer from the (bad) reputation of their business, noting in particular the sheer lack of service called "lobbying" within companies, to benefit the meaning "public affairs". The idea received the Thank you for smoking die hard in a country where business remains relatively unknown. The French Association of Councils in Lobbying and Public Affairs issued a charter of ethics governing the practice.

3. About the future of the public, beyond the desired evolution of the image of the profession (see above), lobbying should, it seems, be framed in a business process. According to the study presented, the professionals engaged in lobbying activities within large companies are varied, the profiles legal, political and communication are the most represented behind the managerial functions "internal".
Note also the appearance (more or less recent) of alterlobbyistes or professional lobbying on behalf of NGOs and therefore the emergence of new interests represented in the corridors ...
track in my opinion more interesting and emerging access to lobbying by SOHO-SME to a process of lobbying that requires resources and time they did not and from that time remain essentially represented by unions Professional ...


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