Thursday, December 2, 2010

Vip222k And External Hard Drive

Veille : Et si on se remettait dans la peau de l'internaute ?

So we're talking (too often) e-reputation and management of the digital image, there is logically the multiplication of solutions to analyze the web and make a ensure comprehensive topics related to the interests of a company, brand or social phenomena.

If automated monitoring tools are needed to detect weak signals, the emergence of concerns or opinions that may be isolated and amplified again, he should not yield to the fascination and collecting all About azimuths buried in the intricacies of the canvas on which the average user will never fall.

Therefore, while the collection devices multiply and standby time, they evolve in intelligence, it seems important, in a sense, for example, Study the image of a business on the web, to refocus on the path of the Web. How last works there? It is not a revelation, it works as simply the world, or at least everyone: he uses Google and makes no attention in the early results.

is also an operation which has evolved into a more exclusive attention. Many experts, including Google, consider the "eye-tracking, how the eye will scan a page. Miratech, a company specializing in the study of the behavior of Internet users in April 2009 published the results of a study which revealed that the second sponsored link (the sponsored links appearing at the top of the results page), was more watched than the first. What we already know is that the first result (non-sponsored link this time) remains the most watched ... and almost the only one.

The image above, taken from the blog screens, is eloquent in this respect. We note that in 3 years, between 2005 and 2008, the behavior of the Internet has greatly simplified. Hence the challenge of being listed in first position. One can also consider not appear front page amounts to a virtual absence ...

Nothing too revolutionary therefore, or misunderstood, but a finding that confirms the belief that it is appropriate in a process of evaluating what the user will find a company or brand, to simply put in his place . Or human intervention, time-consuming, but irreplaceable.
This has been confirmed recently by a responsible saver during a conference dedicated to the public: although with ad hoc tools, she felt much more sense to simply deliver a petition to google rather than to digest a wealth of information collected by different robots ...


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