Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Nitro Nuts Sunnybrook Alberta

Appello di 'Micromega' per la Federazione Impiegati Operai Metallurgica (IMF)

January 4, 2010

hundred thousand of the Fiom. Signature too
Camilleri's appeal, Flores d'Arcais and Hack

hundred thousand signatures for a site like ours, are a target " IMPOSSIBLE " even if we had the support of important links. We gathered in the past up to twenty thousand (19,916) for the appeal in solidarity with Marco Travaglio, Fabrizio Cicchitto accused in Parliament of "media terrorism" in a climate of mobilization of the major news-gag against the law, while in place on this issue had also spent Roberto Saviano.
Yet we must try to achieve this goal, "IMPOSSIBLE" because we believe that the "repeal" of the Fiom that Marchionne is trying to impose, will play a crucial game for the defense of the elementary and intractable constitutional rights and freedoms.
why we ask you not limit yourself to sign the petition , but to mobilize to sign it to all your friends, place it in your blog, run it in a "viral" as they say, on as many sites you are able to achieve by participating in discussions, forums and other forms of assistance.
We try to achieve this "IMPOSSIBLE" by January 28, the day of national strike metalworkers, demonstrating that the most consistently democratic Italian company has realized that the struggle is a struggle Fiom that affects us all.


"The dictates of Marchionne, who CISL and UIL have signed, contains a clause unprecedented, even in that department-year confinement of Valletta had never imagined: cancellation of trade unions that do not sign the agreement, the inability to have representation in the company, their termination of fact. This incredible destruction of a constitutional right not inalienable moral that is causing the insurgency should be obvious for all citizens who call themselves Democrats. Yet it is the functional equivalent, in one form or post-modern and soft (soft?), The squads against the union headquarters, with which fascism destroyed the right of workers to organize freely.
This seems to us that the request for a general strike, made by Fiom, is sacrosanct and should be supported in every way. The unprecedented attack on the Fiat workers' rights is an attack on the rights of all citizens, since it undermines the fundamental value of democratic freedoms. That's why we feel an urgent need for civil society to demonstrate its solidarity with the more concrete and active Fiom and metal workers: it is the freedom of all. "

Andrea Camilleri, Paolo Flores d'Arcais, Margherita Hack

First signatories : Don Andrea Gallo, Antonio Tabucchi , Dario For, Gino Strada, Franca Rame, Luciano Gallino, Giorgio Parisi, Fiorella Mannoia, Ascanio Celestini, Moni Ovadia, Lorenza Carlassarre, Sergio Staino, Gianni Vattimo, Furio Colombo, Marco Revelli Piergiorgio Odifreddi, Massimo Carlotto, Valerio Magrelli, Enzo Mazzi, Valeria Parrella, Sandrone Dazieri, Angelo d'Orsi, Lidia Ravera, Domenico Gallo, Marcello Cini, Alberto Asor Rosa, don Paolo Farinella .

FIRMA L'APPELLO   student council of the department of Italian and Romanian are: - Edoardo LENI - LLCER Italian. Substitute: FOUQUE Magalie
- DA FONSECA- Mélany License LEA Italian. Alternate: Vincent CALABRESE BERTRAND - Romanian non-specific. Substitute: SALMON Marina


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