Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Scorpio Man And Flirting

Are we all propagandists?

This article, Lilian Bay, "Are we all handled? " found by the merest chance on Médiapart has inspired the need to return briefly genesis of a discipline that is implicitly denounced. The article briefly discusses particular techniques for handling and makes a clear link between "propaganda", "PR", "marketing" and "manipulation." An argument that a seminal work on the discipline of PR is the "Propaganda" from Bernays ...

Certainly, if we go by his definition of modern propaganda, it touches on what could be likened to a contemporary definition of public relations: "modern propaganda means a consistent effort and time-consuming to create or influence events in the goal of influencing public relations firm with an idea or group. "

Philippe Boiry, in his book "The public-relations public relations" (L'Harmattan 2003) criticizes the origins propagandists, however, highlighting the philosophy of Lucien Matrat the subject, which spoke of an "objective, proposed in a open dialogue with the interlocutor, on verified facts and verifiable. " He stressed that "it would be a mistake to confuse that major (public relations) with the propaganda strategy of packaging and handling.

departing from the principles and objectives of a filthy work of propaganda, it would, humbly, for a European doctrine of PR, "build relationships of trust which allows dialogue to be established, and this dialogue, by this mutual exchange, in this reciprocal adjustment, lead to actual knowledge, understanding necessary for the enrichment, development of the individual and harmonious life of the group. "Changeling, therefore, and" dialogue. "Dialogue with an audience that has nothing irrational mass approached by Bernays.

This design is not appanage a European perspective as opposed to an American system, without scruples. Arthur N. Page, vice president of American Telephone and Telegraph Company from 1927 to 1946 stated that "any company (...) is only the permission of the public and survives only thanks to his consent ".

Since Bernays (1930!), it is obvious that things have changed. We will have the opportunity to address what may appear as a shift reports. If the crowd could be manipulated, the public since taking office, his expression territories have expanded considerably. And the professionals know ... long time.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Moving Violation Nadia Bjorlin

Professional federations: at work!

By dint of working with professional associations, it seemed interesting to make a brief typology.

Indeed, for a profession, entrust the defense of its interests to a "federal" meets a real need to be heard by the public and governments. Yet the fact remains a great disparity in the organization of these associations more or less effective. The situation ...

several criteria for classifying federations Categories:

1) culture of the profession

2) the budget, which follows logically from the profitability of the profession

3) the challenge posed by the advocacy of Occupation

4) The geographical location is not a criterion because they are all located in the 8th ;-)

Here are some typical profiles of industry federations :

The Cosmetics:

Historical Profession. Big budget. No Life. The Federal prosperous. Over the years, the cost of lunches weighed down as much as the President. Attention danger! We fall asleep. At the first challenge to the interests of the profession will be difficult to react. Moreover, it is likely then to see the birth an alternative union, whose success with the profession can be dazzling.

The David cons Goliath:

Occupation poorly defended. Key Issues. Small budget. Small unions challenge the defenders historical cause of the profession and make division. They sometimes rapidly acquire the ability to influence based on strong convictions and great creativity. The cocktail is explosive. Even with modest financial means, they can wreak havoc (especially when they take the new media).

The "first class"

budgets. Broad representation. These unions, foresight and determination, not lowered the guard in times of calm or prosperity. Instead, they take the opportunity to reinvent and modernize. Listening to their members, they are always concerned to relay their concerns and know how to show it. You can often recognize these federations to the number of permanent they employ.

This typology is certainly not exhaustive, it reflects quite well the problems that we as consultants communication influence, are confronted with daily ...

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Johnney Marzetti With Cream Of Mushroom Soup

(Short) advocacy for rational use of online media

Buzz, 2.0, 3.0, social media, online reputation management community and others are both new perspectives, new tools and means of communication as chimeras, promises ... and methods.
A professional frenzy invaded the world of communications and public relations (and other areas for that matter), there are now a few years. Has he seen as fundamentally changed? The answer is no and it will likely the subject of a future post. Meanwhile the cruel revelation, let's look at just one point on the observation, humbly very simple, founder of the idea of this post.

terms connected (including the horrible redundancy does not help recrédibiliser a 'com' bling bling '), cited above, are the symbol of a risk if not, at least a little runaway relevant . If the means of communication "online" are outstanding, efficient, innovative and powerful - and I hope to show here - it seems that the use of all-out escapes too often the reason and, more importantly, common sense.

Is it necessary for such an undertaking, to open his Facebook account under the pretext that it must "be"? Twitter, beyond the infatuation (which I doubt the persistence medium term - but it is a full-fledged debate -) it generates is there a tool for communication in such a political figure? To see ...
The official Facebook page of the Saint-Gobain (200 000 employees, 38 billion turnover in 2009) counts 392 people who "like this" his Twitter account is followed by 128 subscribers. It is almost as well as for GDF SUEZ, the Twitter account has 232 international unhappy subscribers. The platform of feedback set up by Areva for dialogue with its stakeholders about it ... closed its doors. In total, at least, no official page on Facebook, and we can certainly rejoice: the unofficial page has 4 (!) Supporters while the group "TOTAL must stop destroying the environment" has 866 members.

may well argue that it should be where the audiences are, occupy the space as a preventive present case study of strategies "online" best, identify excellent initiatives, etc.. Yes and better. Difficult in any case whether these actions are initiated by the advertiser or his counsel. One can easily imagine the zealous intern or part authoritarian adheres the principle of responsible communication to the introduction of a vector connected, which a priori does not cost anything, since we know that some professionals will extol the merits and the absolute need to be present for a decision maker uncomfortable with these new tools.

The purpose is not here nier l’intérêt, l’efficacité, ni même les éblouissantes possibilités offertes par les moyens de communication online. Il apparait simplement nécessaire d’appeler à la raison les différents acteurs (ou plutôt la minorité qui tend à rendre inefficaces, voire dangereux des moyens de communication qui, lorsqu'ils sont bien utilisés, sont des supports incroyablement efficaces.) Il s'agit seulement d’être honnête en tant que conseil, mais également se montrer pédagogue et prôner la raison.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Best Gifts For Stroke Victims

Communication Influence survival manual for use by businesses and rumors

Bonjour à all

after a long period of lethargy editorial (yes, customers pass before blogging ;-) influence is Democracy back with a first e-book.

This is a document through which I sought to:

- decrypt the new features of our democracies opinion
- offer companies leverage to promote their interests in this new context

N Do not hesitate to send me your questions and comments ...

Happy reading!

(If you can not open the document below, it is also available here ) Communication Influenced

Friday, September 17, 2010

Can You Take Benadryl And Lorazepam?

A clown with wings

Darwin's finches are the most famous birds of the Galapagos archipelago. However, the real stars of heaven are marine species such as frigates great (Fregata magnificens ) , brown pelicans (Pelecanus occidentalis ) or the blue-footed boobies (Sula nebouxii ). Many of these species are not endemic to the islands, but arrived on the land naturally without human intervention: they are said to be native to the Galapagos. This term can make the difference with the introduced and invasive species.

The observation of blue-footed boobies is relatively easy on the Islands of Ecuador. These birds frequent the fishing rocky coasts of the islands. Some sites like Isla Seymour, north of Santa Cruz Island, are known to host the gannet colonies during their breeding season. Accompanied by a small group of passionate and guide mandatory for all trips here, we are going through Santa Cruz since its main port and we sail to North Seymour.

Here, these birds have no major predators: they nest on the ground and are absolutely not worried by the presence of man. We respect of course 2 meters minimum distance imposed by the national park. Dry vegetation, mainly shrubs and sparse. Throughout our walk, we marvel fools. The courtship were completed and the birds, still married, convent now their beloved offspring. Some chicks have already seen the same day and we feast to observe a female feeding her young. We could spend hours photographing and filming these scenes of life unique. But tourism here is very regulated and we content ourselves with a couple of hours on site. Certainly too short, but so intense.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

How To Curtains For Closet Door


Through the discoveries of Darwin, the Galapagos Islands have changed our fa ç we see the world. Paradoxically, the laboratory of evolution has only few species (60 birds, 20 reptiles, mammals and a handful of any amphibian) compared to other wildlife sanctuaries. The peculiarity biodiversity of the Galapagos is that it includes a high proportion of endemic species, that is to say, unique to the islands. This is the case of the finches, lava lizards, or the Galapagos sea lion (Zalophus wollebaeki ).

Sea lions are a must here. Present on all islands, they spend long hours basking on the beaches of sand and volcanic rocks, to invade docks fishing harbor. Peaceful and non-fearful, they are the joy of tourists walk along the coast. By taking the time to observe them, it is possible to photograph all kinds of behavior: games, mating or feeding.

One of Galapagos tourism is leading a session of snorkeling (mask, fins and snorkel) in the middle of these marine mammals. A magical show that we have missed for anything. One regret however: we are not equipped for underwater photography!