Darwin's finches are the most famous birds of the Galapagos archipelago. However, the real stars of heaven are marine species such as frigates great (Fregata magnificens ) , brown pelicans (Pelecanus occidentalis ) or the blue-footed boobies (Sula nebouxii ). Many of these species are not endemic to the islands, but arrived on the land naturally without human intervention: they are said to be native to the Galapagos. This term can make the difference with the introduced and invasive species.
The observation of blue-footed boobies is relatively easy on the Islands of Ecuador. These birds frequent the fishing rocky coasts of the islands. Some sites like Isla Seymour, north of Santa Cruz Island, are known to host the gannet colonies during their breeding season. Accompanied by a small group of passionate and guide mandatory for all trips here, we are going through Santa Cruz since its main port and we sail to North Seymour.
Here, these birds have no major predators: they nest on the ground and are absolutely not worried by the presence of man. We respect of course
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