By dint of working with professional associations, it seemed interesting to make a brief typology.
Indeed, for a profession, entrust the defense of its interests to a "federal" meets a real need to be heard by the public and governments. Yet the fact remains a great disparity in the organization of these associations more or less effective. The situation ...
several criteria for classifying federations Categories:
1) culture of the profession
2) the budget, which follows logically from the profitability of the profession
3) the challenge posed by the advocacy of Occupation
4) The geographical location is not a criterion because they are all located in the 8th ;-)
Here are some typical profiles of industry federations :
The Cosmetics:
Historical Profession. Big budget. No Life. The Federal prosperous. Over the years, the cost of lunches weighed down as much as the President. Attention danger! We fall asleep. At the first challenge to the interests of the profession will be difficult to react. Moreover, it is likely then to see the birth an alternative union, whose success with the profession can be dazzling.
The David cons Goliath:
Occupation poorly defended. Key Issues. Small budget. Small unions challenge the defenders historical cause of the profession and make division. They sometimes rapidly acquire the ability to influence based on strong convictions and great creativity. The cocktail is explosive. Even with modest financial means, they can wreak havoc (especially when they take the new media).
The "first class"
budgets. Broad representation. These unions, foresight and determination, not lowered the guard in times of calm or prosperity. Instead, they take the opportunity to reinvent and modernize. Listening to their members, they are always concerned to relay their concerns and know how to show it. You can often recognize these federations to the number of permanent they employ.
This typology is certainly not exhaustive, it reflects quite well the problems that we as consultants communication influence, are confronted with daily ...
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