Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Bsa Pine Car Block Dimensions

L'argument vert aurait-il (déjà) fait son temps?

There are only 2 years, the ecological argument was even touted as essential component of the institutional discourse of many companies (including the majority of industrial firms and actors in energy.) It was erected in the same selling point (caustic ecological, low-emission vehicles with CO2, etc..) And for good reason: in 2007, 81% of French people said précuppés the protection of the environment (based study Ifop Planet Care - LSA 2008.)

Now, curiously, we see less green. Blame it on the crisis, which has refocused on their core structures of activity? (Times are tough, we can spend more fun to be virtuous, we concentrate on the business and profitability.) Not that.

stakeholders of companies do not stay long, and fooled the notion of "greenwashing" quickly spread environmental circles to that of a suspicious public in nature with respect to the discourse of economic actors.
Libaert Thierry (who also, among other works-published a book criticism of the "transparency" claimed by companies, Transparency trompe l'oeil, Editions Descartes, 2003), explains in the introduction to his book Communication and Environment, the pact can not ( PUF, October 2010):
"Communication on sustainable development, far from re-legitimized the role of corporations, creates perverse effects that go far beyond attacks on greenwashing."

Greenwashing principle to which the environmental group "Friends of the Earth" devotes a category of "Pinocchio award for sustainable development" (with a few days ago, Credit Agricultural winning the title until now owned by EDF), whose concept is passed into common parlance.

Sustainable development in the broadest sense (ecological but also economic and human) can not, anyway, be a differentiating point: all the companies communicating on the subject (an active or a minimum witnessing their commitments and actions on their website), we guess that a firm does not derive a unique identity and image virtuous absent in its competitors. Publication of initiatives in CSR (corporate social and environmental) is also an obligation légale pour les sociétés cotées (et par extention pour les sociétés non cotées depuis les lois Grenelle I et Grenelle II).

Evolution plus structurelle, des arguments témoignants de la bonne volonté et de l'éthique d'une entreprise en matière environnementale et/ou sociétale, ne sauraient plus lui conférer les félicitations de l'opinion. Et pour cause, la vertu se veut désormais une véritable exigence manifestée à l'égard des firmes.
Ainsi, si l'argument vert expose à présent aux critiques de parties-prenantes éduquées et méfiantes, se soustraire aux engagements qu'il implique reviendrait non seulement à ne pas répondre a regulatory constraint ... but also to ignore a real Volonteer public company. Even a prerequisite in terms of identity.
It would thenceforth to exercise honesty and weight ... as with any public relations initiative so rigorous.


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