Désinformation sur Internet
"How to fight against misinformation on the Internet?" Is the theme of the proposed issue by Techtoc.tv, watching below:
Go see Site
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Thursday, January 27, 2011
How Much Moneyfor A Platypus
Convaincre en exposant des faits ? Pas si simple…
After many parentheses "web", a quick return to fundamentals.
There is still some way before they shatter the logic of rhetoric but these lights remind us that our audiences are not always as rational as we might wish. It would be too easy.
Wherever possible, the message, the argument of any aspiring actor to convey his ideas, and ultimately convincing, is based on facts. This Obviously, you will say, we talk here neither more nor less than an empirical approach is required, with supporting evidence as conclusive.
In rhetoric, or even influence, the speaker will base his remarks on figures, examples, facts to present an undeniable truth, if he intended to listeners objectives and in good faith. Here too, we are faced with the evidence, except that everything is not so simple. Man, so the prospect, the customer, the citizen is not necessarily in those provisions, it would realize it or not.
Last July, the Boston Globe published an article exciting about a study conducted by researchers in political science from the University of Michigan, which undermines the idea that a people informed and informed to understand ... and (will) decide.
Thomas Jefferson, says the article, wrote in 1789 that "from the moment the people are well informed, he can trust his government. "Democracy itself is based, to some extent, on this principle.
Yet the study shows that people believe, especially in politics, one thing does not necessarily change their minds if they are sets of facts that prove otherwise. In fact, they may prove even strengthened this conviction!
Brendan Nyhan According
, who led the work, this mechanism stems from the fact that it is perceived as "threatening" for a person to be wrong. The answer is therefore "a natural defense mechanism to avoid this cognitive dissonance" I can not accept to be wrong as these "facts" make me want to hear more so I cling to my belief that I think when ever stronger.
The article also explains that we all think our opinions and rational. But it is clearly irrelevant. These would be based more on "beliefs" that we dictate the facts that we unconsciously accept as valid because in line with them - not with our critical -. Then forms a vicious circle: we confirm these facts, deny our critical and here we are so much more permeable ... Misinformation. Especially with the wealth of information we are subjected to - and we can easily glean that - no doubt everyone can find ones that suit his beliefs ....
There is still some way before they shatter the logic of rhetoric but these lights remind us that our audiences are not always as rational as we might wish. It would be too easy.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Hodgkins Lymphoma Rash
Thursday, January 27
6:00 p.m.
Twinning Committee Chair Gaeta Frontignan-
Teacher of Italian
Everyone is invited to this meeting friendly
The principle remains the same: everyone brings what they can (beverage, candy, wine ... ....)
Thursday, January 27
6:00 p.m.
Twinning Committee Chair Gaeta Frontignan-
Teacher of Italian
Everyone is invited to this meeting friendly
The principle remains the same: everyone brings what they can (beverage, candy, wine ... ....)
Monday, January 24, 2011
Homemade Antibiotic Garlic
Seminar LASI
Research Center LASI,
Literature, Art and Society in Italy
Literature, Art and Society in Italy
Seminar: 'Spaces of creation'
Resurgence of Myth:
figures of the origin and the end of time
in modern literature
Pascal Gabellone
Alain Crivellia
Friday, January 28, 2011
4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. at A 208 (Italian Library)
Université Paul Valéry-Montpellier III
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Beach Volleyball Game For Psp
Facebook : une fermeture annoncée ?
beginning of this year (hopefully in passing a Happy New Year 2011 to all readers of this blog;)) is rich in returns, revelations and speculation about the social network ... as was in fact over the past year.
While his attendance recently surpassed Google in the U.S. (read here ) and suggestive of a hoax imminent closure has to shake the web (see for example the thousands of -!!!- pages of comments on Weekly World News), one prophesies the (real) death of Facebook in the next 5 years.
Jeffrey Cole, Director of the Centre for the Digital Future at the University of South Carolina and the World Internet Project he predicted a similar fate than Myspace . The social network leader only a few years ago, has just confirmed the rumor, which announced it would part from nearly 50% of its workforce. NewsCorp, which had purchased it in 2005, would consider several options, including an outright sale of the old (and éphémaire) flagship of the social web.
Interestingly, Jeffrey Cole himself had announced the collapse 4 years ago ... That
now (actually in mid-November of last year) he predicted at a conference in Sydney a decline of Facebook, which, if it will be slower than that of Myspace, condemn in the next 5 years the social network.
According to him, another social network "giant" did not take place but several, according to a tendency to fragmentation. Difficult however to know more, the same despatch evasive about this action being taken across (and finding a video of the intervention remain empty.)
Among the accusations made against Facebook The controversial management of private data is obviously the one that takes precedence. In this regard, Diaspora figure challenger is virtuous. "You are the owner of your images, and you should not be forced to abandon it just to share "says he, nonchalantly. remains to be seen whether the project will take off as well as it is about him.
But in regard to a "future" fragmentation of social networks, should we expect an increase in community-based approaches? In fact, it seems possible that there are, like the forums - or Facebook groups (!) - social networks, "facebook fans of hiking in the mountains", "facebook scrapbooking enthusiasts," etc..'s point of view of professional practice "online PR", it gets harder. The useful and functional convergence and complementarity of the device-type "site + blog + a + a Facebook page, Twitter account associated to touch everyone" therefore prove more complex to implement. A scattering of "communities of influence" ... extra complexities and their identification with their actions, although it would probably be interesting segmentation.
On a more strictly sociological, such a trend would cause a failover of an approach like "a global community where the focus affinities Community are involved" to a scheme of "peer communities without broken links real" ...
Remains to be seen whether the prophecy come true. We have until 5 years ahead of us to see how things evolve ... and we expect that the profession will soon, if necessary, to adapt.
beginning of this year (hopefully in passing a Happy New Year 2011 to all readers of this blog;)) is rich in returns, revelations and speculation about the social network ... as was in fact over the past year.
While his attendance recently surpassed Google in the U.S. (read here ) and suggestive of a hoax imminent closure has to shake the web (see for example the thousands of -!!!- pages of comments on Weekly World News), one prophesies the (real) death of Facebook in the next 5 years.
Jeffrey Cole, Director of the Centre for the Digital Future at the University of South Carolina and the World Internet Project he predicted a similar fate than Myspace . The social network leader only a few years ago, has just confirmed the rumor, which announced it would part from nearly 50% of its workforce. NewsCorp, which had purchased it in 2005, would consider several options, including an outright sale of the old (and éphémaire) flagship of the social web.
Interestingly, Jeffrey Cole himself had announced the collapse 4 years ago ... That
now (actually in mid-November of last year) he predicted at a conference in Sydney a decline of Facebook, which, if it will be slower than that of Myspace, condemn in the next 5 years the social network.
According to him, another social network "giant" did not take place but several, according to a tendency to fragmentation. Difficult however to know more, the same despatch evasive about this action being taken across (and finding a video of the intervention remain empty.)
Among the accusations made against Facebook The controversial management of private data is obviously the one that takes precedence. In this regard, Diaspora figure challenger is virtuous. "You are the owner of your images, and you should not be forced to abandon it just to share "says he, nonchalantly. remains to be seen whether the project will take off as well as it is about him.
But in regard to a "future" fragmentation of social networks, should we expect an increase in community-based approaches? In fact, it seems possible that there are, like the forums - or Facebook groups (!) - social networks, "facebook fans of hiking in the mountains", "facebook scrapbooking enthusiasts," etc..'s point of view of professional practice "online PR", it gets harder. The useful and functional convergence and complementarity of the device-type "site + blog + a + a Facebook page, Twitter account associated to touch everyone" therefore prove more complex to implement. A scattering of "communities of influence" ... extra complexities and their identification with their actions, although it would probably be interesting segmentation.
On a more strictly sociological, such a trend would cause a failover of an approach like "a global community where the focus affinities Community are involved" to a scheme of "peer communities without broken links real" ...
Remains to be seen whether the prophecy come true. We have until 5 years ahead of us to see how things evolve ... and we expect that the profession will soon, if necessary, to adapt.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Throat Irritated By Wine
From 27 to 29 January 2011 will be held in Montpellier on Higher Education Fair.
The Department of Italian and Romanian will be on stand SCUIO, Université Paul-Valéry.
Le Corum, Esplanade Charles de Gaulle
Friday, January 7, 2011
Ap Bio Osmosis And Diffusion Lab Report Part C
Convention with higher education Lycée Georges Pompidou Castelnau
The Italian Department has established an important collaboration with the Lycée Georges Pompidou de Castelnau.
The December 6, 2010 a convention was signed between the University Paul Valery and Pompidou School to develop courses of lessons for the creation of a Professional License to expand Tourism and Trade with Italian universities.
Students of the Department of Italian and students of the school will therefore benefit from this new partnership.
Leaders: Agnes Bessieres (Pompidou High School), Angela Biancofiore (University Paul-Valéry)
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Nitro Nuts Sunnybrook Alberta
Appello di 'Micromega' per la Federazione Impiegati Operai Metallurgica (IMF)
January 4, 2010
hundred thousand of the Fiom. Signature too
Camilleri's appeal, Flores d'Arcais and Hack
hundred thousand signatures for a site like ours, are a target " IMPOSSIBLE " even if we had the support of important links. We gathered in the past up to twenty thousand (19,916) for the appeal in solidarity with Marco Travaglio, Fabrizio Cicchitto accused in Parliament of "media terrorism" in a climate of mobilization of the major news-gag against the law, while in place on this issue had also spent Roberto Saviano.
Yet we must try to achieve this goal, "IMPOSSIBLE" because we believe that the "repeal" of the Fiom that Marchionne is trying to impose, will play a crucial game for the defense of the elementary and intractable constitutional rights and freedoms. why we ask you not limit yourself to sign the petition , but to mobilize to sign it to all your friends, place it in your blog, run it in a "viral" as they say, on as many sites you are able to achieve by participating in discussions, forums and other forms of assistance.
We try to achieve this "IMPOSSIBLE" by January 28, the day of national strike metalworkers, demonstrating that the most consistently democratic Italian company has realized that the struggle is a struggle Fiom that affects us all.
"The dictates of Marchionne, who CISL and UIL have signed, contains a clause unprecedented, even in that department-year confinement of Valletta had never imagined: cancellation of trade unions that do not sign the agreement, the inability to have representation in the company, their termination of fact. This incredible destruction of a constitutional right not inalienable moral that is causing the insurgency should be obvious for all citizens who call themselves Democrats. Yet it is the functional equivalent, in one form or post-modern and soft (soft?), The squads against the union headquarters, with which fascism destroyed the right of workers to organize freely.
This seems to us that the request for a general strike, made by Fiom, is sacrosanct and should be supported in every way. The unprecedented attack on the Fiat workers' rights is an attack on the rights of all citizens, since it undermines the fundamental value of democratic freedoms. That's why we feel an urgent need for civil society to demonstrate its solidarity with the more concrete and active Fiom and metal workers: it is the freedom of all. "
Andrea Camilleri, Paolo Flores d'Arcais, Margherita Hack
First signatories : Don Andrea Gallo, Antonio Tabucchi , Dario For, Gino Strada, Franca Rame, Luciano Gallino, Giorgio Parisi, Fiorella Mannoia, Ascanio Celestini, Moni Ovadia, Lorenza Carlassarre, Sergio Staino, Gianni Vattimo, Furio Colombo, Marco Revelli Piergiorgio Odifreddi, Massimo Carlotto, Valerio Magrelli, Enzo Mazzi, Valeria Parrella, Sandrone Dazieri, Angelo d'Orsi, Lidia Ravera, Domenico Gallo, Marcello Cini, Alberto Asor Rosa, don Paolo Farinella .
FIRMA L'APPELLO student council of the department of Italian and Romanian are: - Edoardo LENI - LLCER Italian. Substitute: FOUQUE Magalie
- DA FONSECA- Mélany License LEA Italian. Alternate: Vincent CALABRESE
January 4, 2010
hundred thousand of the Fiom. Signature too
Camilleri's appeal, Flores d'Arcais and Hack
hundred thousand signatures for a site like ours, are a target " IMPOSSIBLE " even if we had the support of important links. We gathered in the past up to twenty thousand (19,916) for the appeal in solidarity with Marco Travaglio, Fabrizio Cicchitto accused in Parliament of "media terrorism" in a climate of mobilization of the major news-gag against the law, while in place on this issue had also spent Roberto Saviano.
Yet we must try to achieve this goal, "IMPOSSIBLE" because we believe that the "repeal" of the Fiom that Marchionne is trying to impose, will play a crucial game for the defense of the elementary and intractable constitutional rights and freedoms. why we ask you not limit yourself to sign the petition , but to mobilize to sign it to all your friends, place it in your blog, run it in a "viral" as they say, on as many sites you are able to achieve by participating in discussions, forums and other forms of assistance.
We try to achieve this "IMPOSSIBLE" by January 28, the day of national strike metalworkers, demonstrating that the most consistently democratic Italian company has realized that the struggle is a struggle Fiom that affects us all.
"The dictates of Marchionne, who CISL and UIL have signed, contains a clause unprecedented, even in that department-year confinement of Valletta had never imagined: cancellation of trade unions that do not sign the agreement, the inability to have representation in the company, their termination of fact. This incredible destruction of a constitutional right not inalienable moral that is causing the insurgency should be obvious for all citizens who call themselves Democrats. Yet it is the functional equivalent, in one form or post-modern and soft (soft?), The squads against the union headquarters, with which fascism destroyed the right of workers to organize freely.
This seems to us that the request for a general strike, made by Fiom, is sacrosanct and should be supported in every way. The unprecedented attack on the Fiat workers' rights is an attack on the rights of all citizens, since it undermines the fundamental value of democratic freedoms. That's why we feel an urgent need for civil society to demonstrate its solidarity with the more concrete and active Fiom and metal workers: it is the freedom of all. "
Andrea Camilleri, Paolo Flores d'Arcais, Margherita Hack
First signatories : Don Andrea Gallo, Antonio Tabucchi , Dario For, Gino Strada, Franca Rame, Luciano Gallino, Giorgio Parisi, Fiorella Mannoia, Ascanio Celestini, Moni Ovadia, Lorenza Carlassarre, Sergio Staino, Gianni Vattimo, Furio Colombo, Marco Revelli Piergiorgio Odifreddi, Massimo Carlotto, Valerio Magrelli, Enzo Mazzi, Valeria Parrella, Sandrone Dazieri, Angelo d'Orsi, Lidia Ravera, Domenico Gallo, Marcello Cini, Alberto Asor Rosa, don Paolo Farinella .
FIRMA L'APPELLO student council of the department of Italian and Romanian are: - Edoardo LENI - LLCER Italian. Substitute: FOUQUE Magalie
- DA FONSECA- Mélany License LEA Italian. Alternate: Vincent CALABRESE
- Aurélien
BERTRAND - Romanian non-specific. Substitute: SALMON Marina
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