Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Zippo Sterling Lighter

Réseaux sociaux : la mort du blogging ?

The study " Year 2010 U.S. Digital " published earlier this month showed - among other things - the decline of e-mail (especially among youth), the benefit of social networks ... , Facebook messaging in mind.

Continuing their destructive work, social networks are also about to kill blogging. The New York Times published a few days ago an article particular addressing the decline in attendance of blogging platforms like Blogger and success of Tumblr and Twitter, although easier to use ... and encouraging the writing of messages short.
Shiny Shiny comment this article (or rather another article, the first derivative) and enacts "5 reasons why Twitter could kill the Blogs." It seems worthwhile to review them.

1. It is easier to write about Twitter on a blog.
course, writing takes less time when one is limited to 140 characters (Twitter), but the purpose changes: the brevity of Tweets pushes users to use and abuse of copies of links when they are content to comment in 2 words.

2. It's easier to read.
See above: it is easier to read if we make the economy reading the article or study that may be associated. Unless it whether about personal and useless like "I go get my bread" or "there was nothing on TV". Except in this case, few people took the trouble to blog this "information" (or they were not followed, except for some Marion ... without comment.)

3. People respond.
Yes and no. The "Retweet" allows for a multiplication of the reach of the message. But a Twitter user who has only 5 followers will never be more "influential" a blogger who is read by 100 people every day (and hopefully some comments).

4. Everyone is there.
Here we go! In other words, Twitter has become fashionable and everyone knows it. But fame does not necessarily use. This graphics recent and very interesting (we'll come back probably soon) tells us that among those with a Twitter account, 33% never tweet that 80% have less than 10 followers ... So yes, all the world is. But in France politicians out of the microcosm / communication professionals / geeks, widespread use is slow to be seen.

5. It is less revealing of personality.
... But is that what readers want? If they follow Justin Bieber, perhaps. That said, nothing prevents a blogger to personalize his remarks.

It appears that actually uses evolve, but the tools are complementary. If the activity "blogging" is going down is that a more appropriate tool to some of its uses is apparent. It appears, however difficult that one replaces the other. Similarly, the observed phenomenon may reflect the slowdown of the "fashion" for the "blogging" when it is precisely "Twitter" is hype today. Expect that the movement running out of steam again, or it reaches its cruising speed.

Finally, note that the subject is topical ironically, as an individual: while I am at this difficult time to publish regularly on this blog, I finally gave my Twitter account a new breath ... ( @ Orlnt ). The tool, in use, provide comfort, fun, really useful and interesting, but in essence it does not develop an idea ... Blogging
he will then only by those who take the trouble to develop a reflection on more than 3 lines?

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Breast Cancer Thank You Cards

Giovanni Maria Bellu conference, video excerpts

Giovanni Maria Bellu at the University Paul Valéry-Montpellier 3

The journalist talks about the investigation he conducted into the sinking of the vessel off Sicily (Christmas 1996, 300 victims, including Indian and Pakistani): wrote a book on this subject: I Fantasmi di Portopalo. It silenzio dell'Italia, Mondadori, 2005.

In this part of the conference Giovanni Maria Bellu addresses the question of the role of the press in Italy today.

Thank You A Dental Hygienist

contest Caps Aggregation

The new competition program CAPES AGGREGATION Italian 2011 is available:

1 - Programs
Question No. 1: The city in the Decameron of Boccaccio.
Edition Recommended: Giovanni Boccaccio, Decameron, a cura di Vittore Branca
, Torino, Einaudi, 1992 (or Milano, Mondadori, 1995):
Question No. 2: Ariosto, Orlando Furioso.
economic Publishing conseillées, it seems to me disponibles les nombreuses:
Orlando Furioso and five songs, edited by R. Cesena and S. Zatti, 2 vol.,
Torino, Utet, 2006; ou: Orlando Furioso, edited by C. Segre, 2 vol.,
Milan, Mondadori ("Oscar Classics Department), 2004.
Question No. 3: John pastures poet Myricae, First poem,
new poems, Songs of Castelvecchio, Poems togethers.
Éditions conseillées:
- Giovanni Pascoli, all the poems, edited by A. Colasanti and N. Shoemaker,
Newton Compton, series' large pocket economic mammoths, "2007.
À défaut: recueils chacun des cinq est disponible en édition de poche;
the édition Garzanti intitulée It contains the full de Poesie et de Myricae
First poem.
Question No. 4: Le théâtre et de Dario For Franca Rame.
Éditions conseillées:
- Dario For, Theatre, edited by Franca Rame, Milano, Einaudi, 1242 pages. Cette édition
It contains: The Archangels do not play pinball, Seventh
steals a bit 'less, Mistero Buffo, Accidental Death of an Anarchist,
not pay! You do not pay!, Horn trumpets and raspberries, Johan Padan
descoverta de la Americas, Santo Jullie Francis Lu, whole house, bed and
church couple aperta, quasi spalancata, Una giornata qualunque, L’eroina,
Grasso è bello.
- Dario Fo e Franca Rame, L’anomalo bicefalo , Milano, Fabbri, 62
pages. cet ouvrage est disponible à la Bibliothèque d'italien ou par mail :
- La plupart de ces textes figurent également dans la série « Le commedie
di Dario Fo », a cura di Franca Rame (Einaudi), ainsi que dans la série
« Tutto il teatro di Dario Fo e Franca Rame » (Fabbri) où ils sont
accompagnés de DVD. Certains textes écrits (et joués) en dialecte sont
proposés en édition bilingue : c'est la version anglaise here
doit être retenue.

2-Textes d'explication
Oral Question No. 1:
I, introduction; I, 1, I, 8, II, 1, II, 5, II, 9, "They were in Paris in a
hotel ... we returned to Paris on the time taken. 'III, 7; IV
introduction, IV, 2, IV, 7, V, 6, VI, 2, VI, 7, VI, 9, VII, 2, VII, 7;
VIII, 5; VIII 9, "You must, therefore, said Bruno, teacher ... and my sweet
more for what I say it not beg nor there. 'VIII, 10, IX, 5, X, 5.
Question No. 2:
- I, 33-44 (12)
- III, 7-18 (12)
- VI, 17-42 (26)
- X, 91-115 (25)
- XI, 1-9 (9)
- XIV 114-125 (12)
- XVI, 20-27 (8)
- XIX, 20-36 (17)
- XXIII, 101-114 et 121-133 (27)
- XXIV, 1-14 (14)
- XXVIII, 31-46 (16)
- XXXIV, 68-86 (19)
- XLI, 52-67 (16)
- XLII, 46-58 (13)
Question No. 3:
Myricae : the Owl, Bells evening, August X, The Assiuolo, Bud, I
Gatton, the kiss of death.
Early poems: Dawn, in the fields, Mistletoe, foxglove, Sister Virginia
, Italy.
New poems: dizziness, The jug, The Death of the Pope
Canti di Castelvecchio: The Bird of the Cold, The Voice, Il Ciocco
(second hand), The Jasmine Night, Time of Barga, La Mia Sera, La
Conviviali Poems: Solon, The Last Journey (XIII et XXI), ether,
Alexandros. 26/05/10

Question No. 4:
- The Archangels do not play pinball: Act I, Scene II, Act
second, the first scene, the depuis début jusqu'à "LONG: [...] (It seems
crazy for the way he laughs). "
- Seventh: steal a little 'less: Second: the Depuis début jusqu'à
"Thief (voice torn) Bin! Dark. 'Depuis' ENEA
(entering from the bottom): What's going on ?!... "Jusqu'à la fin de la pièce.
- Mistero Buffo: The miracle of the wedding at Cana, The birth of the minstrel;
The birth of the villain, Boniface VIII.
- Accidental Death of an Anarchist: First time: Depuis' Matt: You can
... ... Commissioner disorder? »Jusqu'à 'has a moment of perplexity.
'Depuis "From the outside it feels to get the angry voice of the quaestor"
jusqu'à la fin du prime time; Second: Depuis "Matt: Yeah, but
Then, that evening, the sun went down, "jusqu'à" Matt: [...]
nor the story of the three shoes. 'Depuis "It opens the door, overlooking the Commissioner
Bertozzo" jusqu'à "The commissioner's call
pacifier in his mouth and pulls him aside. "
- Do not pay! You do not pay! Act Two: Depuis "LOUIS: Well, now it begins to rain
» jusqu'à 'SERGEANT: [...] And then say so
of Naples! (Exit chasing). 'Depuis "grows ever more
the voices of women and men" jusqu'à la fin de la pièce.
- Horn trumpets and raspberries: Act One: Depuis "From the bottom
enter the actor who plays the role of Antonio" jusqu'à "Antonio and Lucia
out. 'Act Two: Depuis "LUCIA: Rosa, Rosa, are you home? "
jusqu'à" double: [...] but in their lungs. Forever! '.
- Whole house, bed and Church: A single woman, The Awakening: jusqu'à "
(On the last words, the sheet is covered all over, including his head);
contrast to a single voice.
- Pair open nearly wide open: the total du sketch.
- The unusual double-headed: Act One: depuis "ANASTASIA: Cosa sta
succedendo con tutto 'sto movimento? "Until the end of Act I.
Latin text (for an explanation of ancient texts)
Enea Silvio Piccolomini, Historia de duobos amantibus (or "Letter to Mariano Sozzini
"), in Works erotic presentation of Frederick
Duval, Brepols, 2003, p. 83-208.

CAPES CAFEP ITALIAN - 2011 session
limited program of the first part of the test on file
(second admission test).

The program is limited to three years selected in accordance with order
du 28 décembre 2009. Il fera, si nécessaire, l’objet d’un thème et d’une
bibliographie révisés annuellement. Les documents de chacun des dossiers
proposés aux candidats seront essentiellement tirés de cette bibliographie.
Pour la session 2011, le programme limitatif s’établit comme suit :
Art et société :
Le théâtre de Dario Fo et Franca Rame.
Bibliographie :
Dario Fo, Teatro, a cura di Franca Rame, Milano, Einaudi, 1242 pages.
Cette édition contient :
· Gli arcangeli non giocano a flipper
· Settimo : ruba un po’ meno
· Mistero Buffo
· Accidental Death of an Anarchist
• Do not you pay! You do not pay!
· Horn trumpets and raspberries
· Johan Padan descoverta de la Americas
· Lu Saint Francis Jullie
· All home, bed and church
° Torque open, wide open almost every day
· A
· The heroine
· Grease it's nice
Dario For and Franca Rame, the unusual two-headed, Milan, Fabbri, 62 pages. La plupart de ces textes
figurent également dans la série "Le
comedies of Dario For ', edited by Franca Rame (Einaudi), ainsi que dans la série
" All the theater of Dario For and Franca Rame (Fabbri) où ils sont
accompagnés de DVD.
Certains textes écrits (et joués) en dialecte sont proposés en édition
bilingue : c’est la version italienne qui doit être retenue.
Pour vous inscrire vous pouvez vous adresser à Mme Cipriani
bureau G225  UFR II
pour en savoir plus :

Thursday, February 17, 2011

How To Watch Banbros For Free

2011 Tribute to the poet Sandro Penna (1906-1977)

Entre rêve confus et apparitions: la poésie de Sandro Penna

Interventions de Antonio Prete (Université de Sienne), Christelle Laignelet Balderas, Angela Bianci, Myriam Carminati (Université Montpellier 3), Yannick Gouchan (Univ. Aix Marseille)
Projection du documentaire:
But as the wind moves the sea. A portrait of the poet Sandro Penna
Bartellini par Francesca, 2008.

Angela Bianci, Christelle Balderas, Antonio Prete, Yannick Gouchan

Friday, February 18, 2011 2:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Room Jourda Bldg. Research University Paul Valery

Chris Balderas and Antonio Prete
Team Home Llac
(Languages , Literature, Arts and Culture des Suds)

LASI Research Center, Literature, Arts and Society in Italy and
Department of Italian - University Paul Valery

Myriam Carminati