Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Zippo Sterling Lighter

Réseaux sociaux : la mort du blogging ?

The study " Year 2010 U.S. Digital " published earlier this month showed - among other things - the decline of e-mail (especially among youth), the benefit of social networks ... , Facebook messaging in mind.

Continuing their destructive work, social networks are also about to kill blogging. The New York Times published a few days ago an article particular addressing the decline in attendance of blogging platforms like Blogger and success of Tumblr and Twitter, although easier to use ... and encouraging the writing of messages short.
Shiny Shiny comment this article (or rather another article, the first derivative) and enacts "5 reasons why Twitter could kill the Blogs." It seems worthwhile to review them.

1. It is easier to write about Twitter on a blog.
course, writing takes less time when one is limited to 140 characters (Twitter), but the purpose changes: the brevity of Tweets pushes users to use and abuse of copies of links when they are content to comment in 2 words.

2. It's easier to read.
See above: it is easier to read if we make the economy reading the article or study that may be associated. Unless it whether about personal and useless like "I go get my bread" or "there was nothing on TV". Except in this case, few people took the trouble to blog this "information" (or they were not followed, except for some Marion ... without comment.)

3. People respond.
Yes and no. The "Retweet" allows for a multiplication of the reach of the message. But a Twitter user who has only 5 followers will never be more "influential" a blogger who is read by 100 people every day (and hopefully some comments).

4. Everyone is there.
Here we go! In other words, Twitter has become fashionable and everyone knows it. But fame does not necessarily use. This graphics recent and very interesting (we'll come back probably soon) tells us that among those with a Twitter account, 33% never tweet that 80% have less than 10 followers ... So yes, all the world is. But in France politicians out of the microcosm / communication professionals / geeks, widespread use is slow to be seen.

5. It is less revealing of personality.
... But is that what readers want? If they follow Justin Bieber, perhaps. That said, nothing prevents a blogger to personalize his remarks.

It appears that actually uses evolve, but the tools are complementary. If the activity "blogging" is going down is that a more appropriate tool to some of its uses is apparent. It appears, however difficult that one replaces the other. Similarly, the observed phenomenon may reflect the slowdown of the "fashion" for the "blogging" when it is precisely "Twitter" is hype today. Expect that the movement running out of steam again, or it reaches its cruising speed.

Finally, note that the subject is topical ironically, as an individual: while I am at this difficult time to publish regularly on this blog, I finally gave my Twitter account a new breath ... ( @ Orlnt ). The tool, in use, provide comfort, fun, really useful and interesting, but in essence it does not develop an idea ... Blogging
he will then only by those who take the trouble to develop a reflection on more than 3 lines?


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