Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Best Yellow Toned Foundation

Petizione contro Berlusconi

Sign the petition pour les démissions de Belusconi
1. Dimissioni
Chiediamo a Silvio Berlusconi di dimettersi immediatamente.
In nessun altro paese democratico un Primo ministro, indagato per così gravi capi di accusa, rimarrebbe in carica. Tutti i cittadini italiani, di qualsiasi credo politico , devono essere consapevoli che l’immagine del loro paese sarà profondamente danneggiata se Berlusconi rimarrà al suo posto .
2. Presenza in aula
Chiediamo a Silvio Berlusconi di non utilizzare la televisione to defend themselves and discredit the judges with its considerable media power, but to present to the courts as would any citizen . In court, Mr Berlusconi will still benefit from having signed the highest paid lawyers in the country. We hope for him and for Italy, which is able to prove his innocence. Since Berlusconi and his supporters argue that the courts are hopelessly biased against it, remember that more than one occasion he was granted the benefit of the doubt. If Mondadori, for example, the court judged in November 2001, the position of head of government a "mitigating circumstance" that only in his case, the prosecution dropped the statute of limitations.
3. The role of the President of the Republic
In a situation where two major branches of government - the judiciary and the executive - face off in an extremely dangerous fight for the future of the Republic, we ask the President Napolitano to assess the situation and intervene promptly, within the limits prescribed by the Constitution.
4. Opposition parties
We call on all opposition parties to put aside their differences and to abandon any desire to excel, but asked with one voice the resignation of Premier .
5. We call on civil society
many associations and the hundreds of thousands of citizens who identify with the civil society to concentrate their forces and to unite in a common policy. We ask especially the Catholic world to urge the Vatican to rule on an issue of public ethics as important.
6. Friends of Italy in the world
We wrote this appeal in both English and Italian in order to send a message to all those who love our democracy abroad and the fate of our country. Do not lose confidence in Italy! We need your solidarity and your help.
Gustavo Zagrebelsky Paul Ginsborg e Sandra Bonsanti per tutta Libertà e Giustizia


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