BrainsFeed is a carefully crafted campaign of influence in favor of wind turbines. The operation is based on a simple formula: A site dedicated crossed with radio spots that relay the message simple and effective.
"The audience of some French-speaking Belgian radio (Nostalgia, anyway) are currently offered messages, presented as intervention journalists or entertainers, who say that turbines are not as lethal to birds than it is commonly accepted ( ). The capsule returns so often on the antennae that can not be anything other than a share of influence (promotional / lobbying) for wind turbines. It is true that each new project to set up windmills raised its share of protests and actions contrary.
The campaign, which finds its echo on the Web site through http:/ is the work of APERE ( ) which is the Association for the Promotion of Energy Renewable. This association is therefore in its role when it promotes the wind, and what is trying to change the reputation. It would however be interesting to know who is funding this campaign. This could well be the EWEA (European Wind Energy Association), an NGO based in Brussels, appearing on the "Register of interest representatives" of the European Commission (Registrar of Lobbyists) and also a partner in the APERE.
As in any communication influence, the arguments may be subjected to criticism. Thus, the message carried by these advertisements (the turbines are not responsible the deaths of birds, unlike cats and buildings) is part of a longstanding argument (it is found in a paper published in 2009 by the APERE with the support of the Walloon Region (http://www / doc / Brochure_eolien_light.pdf - page 27). We learn also that the study behind these arguments is Canadian (he is not sure environmental conditions are the same there and here. According to some discussions of Internet, the world of wind turbines would still not as idyllic as we present the APERE "
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