Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Need Help Tracking My Period

meeting with Giovanni Maria Bellu

Giovanni Maria Bellu meets the students of the University Paul Valery
Wednesday, February 16, 2011 at 14:30 Room C020
Italian writer and journalist

Biography of Giovanni Maria Bellu
Born in Cagliari in 1957, after working for many years La Nuova Sardegna , Giovanni Maria Bellu joined the prestigious newspaper La Repubblica . First in charge of heading domestic policy , in 1995 he became special envoy to the daily. As such, it covers and investigates major national and international events: the operations of Gladio (the vast underground structure threatening Italian democracy), the death of Ilaria Alpi or the sinking of Yoham in December 1996 carrying 300 immigrants on board. Co-director of the daily The Unità since August 2008, he was the author of essays and novels among which ' The Man Who Would Be Peron 'in which investigative journalism is, for once, fiction.


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