Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Will Jeep Rims Fit Dodge Ram

Grève : le web comme prolongement de la rue?

... It's pretty much the title of a column posted on France Info this morning ... I have not had time to listen. However, its title inspired me thinking that echoes my re-foliation, a few days ago, the founder and non-least-controversial "Group Psychology of Gustave Lebon.

I emerged for some time the notion of "digital crowd" that could be defined as the mobilization of individuals gathered in community to put pressure on a decision (such as the mobilization of users Facebook, which led to the deactivation of the advertising system Beacon or more recently abandoned by Gap's new logo).

Area preferred (a minimum passage o-bli-gen) anyone who thinks he has ideas to get across, the web is quite a while on the space which is expressed, catalyzes the opinion. Nothing new.
But is it where is it? Broad debate in which an attempt to mobilize response in bulk and in a complementary way of thinking about the myth of universal knowledge space (such as place-making objective information or not), monitoring of the phenomena of mobilization or observation even the study of rhetoric on the chat rooms ...

What we can already say is that the user is at least a little educated on the one hand, and secondly, that if dialogue, convinced (or tries to), is part community, is nonetheless only in the sense of physical proximity hear.
However, this physical contact is obviously a fundamental part of what created the spontaneity and lack of reason to the crowd as understood Lebon, its "collective soul" ... and dangerous. About the man, he explains, "isolated, it might be a cultured person, in crowds it is an instinctive, therefore a barbarian. It has the spontaneity, the violence, the ferocity, and also the enthusiasm and heroism of primitive beings. "This design is old and in any event, on the web, it is clear that actors combine , reflect and act.

But back to the strike ... and what characterizes our beautiful country: the protests. It will be nice to think what they want ("it's not the strikers, c is opportunistic thugs, "" It suits the Government and the media treat this aspect and not another), but one of the pillars of the media treatment of the movement that affects France today is violence. However, the web can not break the windows.
So why not use it to push through his demands and enjoy great potential for mobilization? There, nobody can come and play the spoilsport in moving the debate to secure a pin.

Sounds promising but it is not for now: a Google search on "pension reform" leads directly to teaching site .. the Government. The first reference on this topic union, the CGT, ranks only third page of results. Will assumed not to think of other ways that a tradition French property?

Monday, October 25, 2010

How To Clean Circulon

Gratuit : deux précieux outils de recherche vidéo

Some of you may have heard of Voxalead . In any case, this ultra-convenient software is listening everyone talk ...

This a free search engine that helps you find a word or phrase from the radio or TV. Based on a sharp voice recognition technology, its main sources are French LCI, I-TV, France 24, the AFP videos and Europe 1.

Voxalead is the second tool of its kind. His older brother, Blinkx, is American (yes, they are definitely very strong across the Atlantic!) Launched in 2005, it allows also to easily search videos passages, but it can also:
- include YouTube and Dailymotion videos
- serve Intelligence tool offering RSS feeds on your queries

I urge you to play with these beautiful babies. You tell me the news ...

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Small Clear Blister In Mouth

L'entreprise face social networks ...

... Overview of the use of non-insiders

is the title of the e-book published below.
This note discusses a few pages of the now critically essential social networks in corporate communication strategies.

The approach is deliberately very popularizer, probably more suited to the uninitiated (there is still much that might think) to experts you are. But if you're still wondering "but social networks, what is it?", It can always serve ...

Happy reading!

The company deal with social networks

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Salon Brazilian Wax Mississauga

But who are the media consultants influence?

Thank You For Smoking - Trailer
sent QuinnDVD . - The latest movie trailers online.

past two years, the term "communication of influence" spreads like wildfire v.
past year, inflation is well! (234 000 results dans Google)

Sur la fiche Wikipedia consacrée à cette discipline , on peut lire : "La communication d'influence désigne un ensemble de procédés qui visent à susciter, infléchir, légitimer ou empêcher des décisions publiques dans le but de promouvoir ou de défendre les intérêts commerciaux ou idéologiques d'une organisation, en utilisant comme principal levier d'action l'influence de l'opinion publique."

J'adhère à 100% à cette définition.

Is this the birth of a new market? From a simple adaptation of traditional offerings to new needs? Or simply powder-to-eye for gullible customers? A little of all three. Everything depends on who behind such offers ...

short guide to help navigate this jungle music:

1) The dressing

She watches for professionals marketers who use the term "communication of influence" to promote the merits their offer of business communication. It is obvious that the com commercial aims to influence the behavior of a consumer. Therefore, naming this field "communication of influence" is a redundancy which is the cosmetic to the detriment of the legibility of the offer. It makes me think of those advertising agencies who are called communication agencies 'strategic' (what does that mean, really?)

2) A market that adapts to new needs

The (real) providers in communication influence - as defined above - are divided into three categories, which correspond to the three professional worlds they come from: lobbying, public relations and business intelligence.

Lobbyists traditionally act directly to policy makers. For some time, they understand the interest to influence public opinion to influence government decisions and some supplement their supply by incorporating a public relations component. The whole is often sold under the label "public affairs" (that's American, I like :-)

Les professionnels des relations publiques (au sens anglo-saxon du terme, pas au sens français qui équivaut à "paillettes, petits fours et attachée-de-presse-blonde-et-nouille") ont pour leur part compris depuis longtemps l'influence indirecte qu'ils pouvaient exercer sur les décisions politiques. Néanmoins, les offres en "communication d'influence" ou "affaires publiques" qu'ils proposent sont plutôt récentes et sont surtout l'apanage de grosse agences qui mettent en place une équipe dédiée.

Enfin, les spécialistes de l'intelligence économique cartographient à longueur de journées des réseaux d'influence et sont - forcément - tentés de jouer avec. Certains d'entre eux considèrent que cela fait partie intégrante de l'intelligence économique (triptyque : protection de l'information/ renseignement/influence), d'autres jugent nécessaire de donner un nom spécifique à cette activité. Ils développent donc des offres en "influence", "stratégies d'influence" ou "communication d'influence".

3) Un nouveau marché

La conjugaison de ces compétences further opens the way for the introduction of new methods of actions implemented in the framework of coherent and focused. However, I believe we are above all (and participate!) A rationalization / structuring a market that is very promising.

In conclusion: I'm optimistic ... and U.S. ;-)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Writing Letter For Community Service

The call for tenders - background ... and

Little feedback lived in a past life, with, as they say, from advertisers. Large advertisers, agencies like those put the logo on the page on their website, those who not only exciting communication issues in terms of scale but also ... a budget.

This experience is participation in several tenders in the organization itself and as a juror. It was not so devices influence of global communication but even commercial. While older executives are bent and forced labor for the year I rejoiced, as a young professional to assess the boldness and creativity agencies that seemed to belong to several categories:

- Names essential

confident they are of 2 types : those who want the market and those who clearly do not seem to really want it.

The first deploy the heavy artillery. They move their media officer, often wrote a popular book, we see on TV is the star. Her presence is proof of esteem, desire to win the market and his charisma is often relentless.

Implacable also the logic of the demonstration and articulation of internal resources. They can do everything and do it well. QED.

The second principle is likely to meet, make a floor or two trainees on a proposal (and presentation) wobbly, they rely on a name, references. Clients they have and do not really need to gain more. Duly noted.

- The outgoing

Curiously, in recent weeks, we felt more at home availability and creativity. If based on a thorough knowledge of customer's problems (and its representatives), they suffer from a sense of fatigue and a need for novelty.

Their consultants are in any case much more present for some time, but also much more interesting ...

The recommendation is in any case often exciting, characterized by a serious consideration of real issues and a good ability to sense the business needs (in fact nothing replaces the fact of the practice since X years.)

- Underdogs with long teeth

Some are almost touching sincerity and goodwill. They sometimes go on to acknowledge with some humility calculated they are small, to better assert their reactivity and heart they put to work. Often creative, they are sometimes beside the point. When they are not, it starts getting very interesting creative, intelligent, responsive and ... cheap.

Overall (and this is the main attraction of the year), the proposals provide interesting responses and high quality. From there, the selection criteria vary:

- The ownership of the problem and understanding the needs, context. If this aspect

not enough, it is fundamental because it follows all the reasoning ... Conversely, I happened to study analyzes brilliant (really), followed by strategies too small. Here, too bad. It is certainly very interesting and sometimes stunning to see themselves in an inventory compiled by people outside the company. And it's a good sign.

- Creativity

careful dressing. An illustrated list

tools may well modeled attract the eye but they must enroll in a real sense and by appropriate reasoning. When this happens, the beautiful, big is a plus, obviously.

- Presentation

Do not be impressed by the packaging. We see everything from record-coil-to-spiral-treatment-of-text-word (this type of file can be connected quite effective and elegant ... but it is not always) the work of art to perfect the model and modern offset printing paper 300g, selective coating and Pantone unlikely. Difficult to generalize, but in my case, the most interesting approaches were presented in a clean, efficient, simple. Coincidence perhaps.

From the standpoint of providing oral, personal, pragmatic presentation, illustrated and nice suits me perfectly.

- The overall quality of the bottom

most important criterion, of course. A logical progression of type understanding of the context / problem relevant / intelligent and appropriate recommendation, it's pretty unstoppable. Often lack precisely that logic, continuity and some work, however good, are too homogeneous.

criteria, there are others. And not least, like money. The real difficulty at the end of the exercise is to say that X and Y are very good but that Z is less expensive. And here they are neither creative nor the size nor consistency talking ...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Building A Blueprint Table In Office

forms are on strike? A small gesture

Today I decided to strike: I do not write article !
(Okay I admit, I actually yield to combined pressure of my clients and a huge lazy ...)

anyway I found for you a document that was lying in my PC for almost a year. This is a practical guide to optimize its network of relationships, which will undoubtedly be of interest to you are influencers. This document was published by the Belgian section of the Junior Chamber International, a worldwide federation 200 000 young professionals and entrepreneurs.

I book to your sagacity: download document

Moreover, this new day of "social movement", I can not resist the pleasure to share this little video. ..

"After my strikes," Jean-Jacques Thibault
sent 3615polyprod . - Watch more videos comedy.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

State Illegal Sleep Shoes

responsible ...

Once is not custom, approach a subject that will be matching (which has already been countless times): the Kerviel affair. Everyone knows that the

Judgement was pronounced: 3 year fixed and 4.9 billion euros fine (or is said around 177 000 years of the current salary of the former trader). Judgement which Kerviel has appealed.

What interests us here is the purpose of Société Générale, represented by its Director of Communications, Caroline Guillaumin, heard yesterday on France Info.

It is already interesting to note that this is the Communications Director who intervenes. We remember Daniel Bouton outputs on the subject at the time the case was revealed and we know the following: Button resignation of then President of the Board of Directors of the Bank Group. As chance would have it (!), The predecessor of Madame Guillaumin, Hugues Le Bret, when issued to him this week about his book "case" at the same time announcing his resignation from the leadership of Boursorama, the bank Online Societe Generale. Bouton, Sarkozy, the infighting on the Board, it seems that everything goes.

Returning to the intervention of Madame Guillaumin, believe it is logical after all it is expressed as a spokesperson for the Group. This a commentary on a ruling, the case is over, no need to grant more importance, involving for example the current CEO Fred Oudéa whose image has not been associated with the case, it After arriving at the post.

More interestingly, the words of Caroline Guillaumin in itself and a particular sentence. Citing the fact that Societe Generale did not intend to claim Kerviel's € 4.9 billion due (that are also more pending the new trial), she said: "We are a responsible bank et qui n'a pas envie d'endetter un homme sur autant d'années. » Banque responsable donc, qui ne veut pas laisser cet homme exsangue, malgré le mal qu’il lui a fait. C’est loyal.

Cette initiative relève vraisemblablement d’un calcul lié à l’image du Groupe. Pas besoin d’en rajouter, Kerviel étant passé de héros (à la Tony Musulin, cf. les groupes Facebook apparus à l’époque) à une figure de bouc émissaire. Autant ne pas faire dans le mesquin, la banque étant depuis l’affaire et depuis la crise, remise à flot. Quant aux milliards, elle ne les récupérera pas, quand Kerviel even more than not eating pasta for the rest of his life.

Posture pay? In principle yes. A poll posted yesterday on asked: "Has the general society because they give up claim to 4.9 billion Kerviel? " to which almost 80% of 3774 voters voted" yes "! A visitor, commenting on the survey, will speak to "an elegant gesture." Other rejoice less ...

On the corporate site of the bank reviews the official position of the bank, which "prend acte", "décision importante", etc. sont quant à eux vindicatifs. En vrac : "je pense résilier mon compte car vous avez une part énorme de responsabilité", "c'est ridicule ,sandaleux !! Vous des incapables a la société Générale", "C'est incroyable vous préférez passer pour des cons et des incompétents au niveau de la sécurité de vos contrôles que pour des complices..". On comprend mieux pourquoi il lui a semblé important de faire un geste.

« Pas question d’aller réclamer de telles sommes à un homme seul » ajoutait Caroline Guillaumin, ménageant la chèvre et le choux : « la banque est totalement open to find a solution, both in the interest of our shareholders and our employees. " Kerviel, meanwhile, said there was no question of negotiating. So there will be a sequel. Bet that the bank wanted yet put an end once and for all ...

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Is It Ok To Put Hot Liquid In A Rubbermaid Cooler

Ras buzz!

Back Lancar a sentence of Benjamin, the young leader of the UMP, which made me jump Ceiling: "I prefer that our critical buzz because at least there is a buzz."
Lancar It says so, but it could have been much other apprentice sorcerers "web 2.0".
is symptomatic of a design, assumed here, the web as a tool for visibility and visibility only.

Sorry but in political communication, visibility is useless if it does not serve to convey a message, to advance a cause.

With Web 2.0, or almost everyone has access to free media. So, for an average user just has a little creativity, it can give a little visibility to an image or a video for example. But to say what?

More and more organizations seek to generate buzz for the buzz. This is understandable in a marketing sense if the goal is to give visibility to a product. But it becomes totally abject in trying to advance ideas (which is supposed to be the role of political parties). We are facing not a symptom of the political crisis in which the policy seeks to convince rather than to exist. The video below illustrates the phenomenon with a dry humor ...

In this drift of absurd com, "communicators" themselves do not have white hands. They eventually convince their customers that the web is a magical tool. This fascination for the tool made them lose sight of a premise of common sense: a communication tool used to convey a message. But the apostles of "web citizen" have reduced the tool to an end in itself.

It is as though soldiers who were sold a revolutionary new missile were so fascinated by their new toy they were shooting in all directions without putting the explosive inside.

Communication is not a value. Communication is a weapon in the service of a strategy. The rest is noise.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Gay Truth Or Dare Game Questions

The adventure ends, but continues

While biodiversity has been widely put forward in 2010, the species of oceans, savannas and poles have, as usual, kept the spotlight. Yet, if one were to go to the heart of the largest reservoir of biodiversity in the world is in the rainforests that need to travel ...

Enfert for explorers or green garden of Eden to the naturalists, the rainforest is a world of contradictions. It evokes both harmony and chaos, creates both a sense of wonder than fear. We all know the existence of tropical forests, we are generally aware des menaces qui pèsent sur leur devenir, mais il nous est souvent bien difficile de reconnaître les espèces qui les peuplent et de comprendre leur rôle à l'échelle mondiale.

Nous voilà donc de retour en France après une année de terrain riche en observations. La faune aura été notre centre d'intérêt sur ce blog, mais n'oublions pas que la flore, les champignons et les bactéries font également partie de cette biodiversité. Pour tous les curieux, désireux d'en savoir plus sur les écosystèmes tropicaux et sur les objectifs de notre association, rendez-vous sur notre site, tout juste remis à jour. Sont aujourd'hui disponibles près than 20 stories, 250 pictures, 40 sheets "species" as well as log books and a preview of our future projects: Nature shows, documentary video, virtual tour, exhibition, travel photography, travel writing, etc. ... Via Facebook, you can stay closer to our news (suivez-nous!). Our photo galleries will be available from late October and each month, a new open.

Finally, note that 2011 has been proclaimed International Year of the forest by the United Nations General Assembly: the jungle will still talk about it!

Thanks to all who have followed this tropical adventure. We must now rebuild their lives in France and a few pounds again ... soon, here or elsewhere ...

Marie-Anne and Sylvain