Once is not custom, approach a subject that will be matching (which has already been countless times): the Kerviel affair. Everyone knows that the
Judgement was pronounced: 3 year fixed and 4.9 billion euros fine (or is said around 177 000 years of the current salary of the former trader). Judgement which Kerviel has appealed.
What interests us here is the purpose of Société Générale, represented by its Director of Communications, Caroline Guillaumin, heard yesterday on France Info.
It is already interesting to note that this is the Communications Director who intervenes. We remember Daniel Bouton outputs on the subject at the time the case was revealed and we know the following: Button resignation of then President of the Board of Directors of the Bank Group. As chance would have it (!), The predecessor of Madame Guillaumin, Hugues Le Bret, when issued to him this week about his book "case" at the same time announcing his resignation from the leadership of Boursorama, the bank Online Societe Generale. Bouton, Sarkozy, the infighting on the Board, it seems that everything goes.
Returning to the intervention of Madame Guillaumin, believe it is logical after all it is expressed as a spokesperson for the Group. This a commentary on a ruling, the case is over, no need to grant more importance, involving for example the current CEO Fred Oudéa whose image has not been associated with the case, it After arriving at the post.
More interestingly, the words of Caroline Guillaumin in itself and a particular sentence. Citing the fact that Societe Generale did not intend to claim Kerviel's € 4.9 billion due (that are also more pending the new trial), she said: "We are a responsible bank et qui n'a pas envie d'endetter un homme sur autant d'années. » Banque responsable donc, qui ne veut pas laisser cet homme exsangue, malgré le mal qu’il lui a fait. C’est loyal.
Cette initiative relève vraisemblablement d’un calcul lié à l’image du Groupe. Pas besoin d’en rajouter, Kerviel étant passé de héros (à la Tony Musulin, cf. les groupes Facebook apparus à l’époque) à une figure de bouc émissaire. Autant ne pas faire dans le mesquin, la banque étant depuis l’affaire et depuis la crise, remise à flot. Quant aux milliards, elle ne les récupérera pas, quand Kerviel even more than not eating pasta for the rest of his life.
Posture pay? In principle yes. A poll posted yesterday on Figaro.fr asked: "Has the general society because they give up claim to 4.9 billion Kerviel? " to which almost 80% of 3774 voters voted" yes "! A visitor, commenting on the survey, will speak to "an elegant gesture." Other rejoice less ...
On the corporate site of the bank reviews the official position of the bank, which "prend acte", "décision importante", etc. sont quant à eux vindicatifs. En vrac : "je pense résilier mon compte car vous avez une part énorme de responsabilité", "c'est ridicule ,sandaleux !! Vous des incapables a la société Générale", "C'est incroyable vous préférez passer pour des cons et des incompétents au niveau de la sécurité de vos contrôles que pour des complices..". On comprend mieux pourquoi il lui a semblé important de faire un geste.
« Pas question d’aller réclamer de telles sommes à un homme seul » ajoutait Caroline Guillaumin, ménageant la chèvre et le choux : « la banque est totalement open to find a solution, both in the interest of our shareholders and our employees. " Kerviel, meanwhile, said there was no question of negotiating. So there will be a sequel. Bet that the bank wanted yet put an end once and for all ...
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