Monday, October 4, 2010

Gay Truth Or Dare Game Questions

The adventure ends, but continues

While biodiversity has been widely put forward in 2010, the species of oceans, savannas and poles have, as usual, kept the spotlight. Yet, if one were to go to the heart of the largest reservoir of biodiversity in the world is in the rainforests that need to travel ...

Enfert for explorers or green garden of Eden to the naturalists, the rainforest is a world of contradictions. It evokes both harmony and chaos, creates both a sense of wonder than fear. We all know the existence of tropical forests, we are generally aware des menaces qui pèsent sur leur devenir, mais il nous est souvent bien difficile de reconnaître les espèces qui les peuplent et de comprendre leur rôle à l'échelle mondiale.

Nous voilà donc de retour en France après une année de terrain riche en observations. La faune aura été notre centre d'intérêt sur ce blog, mais n'oublions pas que la flore, les champignons et les bactéries font également partie de cette biodiversité. Pour tous les curieux, désireux d'en savoir plus sur les écosystèmes tropicaux et sur les objectifs de notre association, rendez-vous sur notre site, tout juste remis à jour. Sont aujourd'hui disponibles près than 20 stories, 250 pictures, 40 sheets "species" as well as log books and a preview of our future projects: Nature shows, documentary video, virtual tour, exhibition, travel photography, travel writing, etc. ... Via Facebook, you can stay closer to our news (suivez-nous!). Our photo galleries will be available from late October and each month, a new open.

Finally, note that 2011 has been proclaimed International Year of the forest by the United Nations General Assembly: the jungle will still talk about it!

Thanks to all who have followed this tropical adventure. We must now rebuild their lives in France and a few pounds again ... soon, here or elsewhere ...

Marie-Anne and Sylvain


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