Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Will Jeep Rims Fit Dodge Ram

Grève : le web comme prolongement de la rue?

... It's pretty much the title of a column posted on France Info this morning ... I have not had time to listen. However, its title inspired me thinking that echoes my re-foliation, a few days ago, the founder and non-least-controversial "Group Psychology of Gustave Lebon.

I emerged for some time the notion of "digital crowd" that could be defined as the mobilization of individuals gathered in community to put pressure on a decision (such as the mobilization of users Facebook, which led to the deactivation of the advertising system Beacon or more recently abandoned by Gap's new logo).

Area preferred (a minimum passage o-bli-gen) anyone who thinks he has ideas to get across, the web is quite a while on the space which is expressed, catalyzes the opinion. Nothing new.
But is it where is it? Broad debate in which an attempt to mobilize response in bulk and in a complementary way of thinking about the myth of universal knowledge space (such as place-making objective information or not), monitoring of the phenomena of mobilization or observation even the study of rhetoric on the chat rooms ...

What we can already say is that the user is at least a little educated on the one hand, and secondly, that if dialogue, convinced (or tries to), is part community, is nonetheless only in the sense of physical proximity hear.
However, this physical contact is obviously a fundamental part of what created the spontaneity and lack of reason to the crowd as understood Lebon, its "collective soul" ... and dangerous. About the man, he explains, "isolated, it might be a cultured person, in crowds it is an instinctive, therefore a barbarian. It has the spontaneity, the violence, the ferocity, and also the enthusiasm and heroism of primitive beings. "This design is old and in any event, on the web, it is clear that actors combine , reflect and act.

But back to the strike ... and what characterizes our beautiful country: the protests. It will be nice to think what they want ("it's not the strikers, c is opportunistic thugs, "" It suits the Government and the media treat this aspect and not another), but one of the pillars of the media treatment of the movement that affects France today is violence. However, the web can not break the windows.
So why not use it to push through his demands and enjoy great potential for mobilization? There, nobody can come and play the spoilsport in moving the debate to secure a pin.

Sounds promising but it is not for now: a Google search on "pension reform" leads directly to teaching site .. the Government. The first reference on this topic union, the CGT, ranks only third page of results. Will assumed not to think of other ways that a tradition French property?


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